Galt Museum and University of Nebraska State Museum Choose Videotel Digital’s Touch-less Interactive Solutions To Ensure a Safe Re-Opening

SAN DIEGO, March 18, 2021

WAVE to Play
Videotel Digital, the only manufacturer serving the digital signage industry with the widest variety of innovative touch-less peripherals as well as reliable, affordable, and simple out-of-the-box industrial-grade 4K digital signage interactive media players, looping DVD players and directional sound speakers, has gotten a great response from museum customers who want to re-open safely.

“Because of COVID, we had to act quickly to find a solution that would activate both video and audio. We chose Videotel Digital’s WAVE-to-Play and now use it in both our Discovery Hall where visitors can automatically trigger the welcome orientation, as well as for our Kainai Arbor exhibit so visitors can learn more about the exhibit without having to physically touch a screen.” – Brad Brown, Exhibit Designer & Fabricator, Galt Museum & Archives

“Our exhibits are informative and educational geared toward families with younger kids and offer a lot of hands-on activities. Previously, all electronic kiosk exhibits have been actuated with pushbuttons or touchscreens, but when the pandemic hit it forced us to deal with new safety and disinfection protocols. Videotel Digital’s WAVE-to-Play devices are a perfect solution combined with their VP71XD media players and they are easy to set up. We have two WAVE-to-Play devices on monitors that we formerly used as touchscreens.” – Joel Nielsen, Graphics Specialist, Project Coordinator, University of Nebraska State Museum

Lisa Schneider, Videotel Digital’s EVP of Marketing and Sales said, "We are delighted that our interactive touch-less product line, which includes the ability to provide touch-less audio and video solutions, can help our museum clients re-open safely and continue to engage their visitors while keeping them safe from contamination.”

To learn more about Videotel Digital’s HyperSound Speakers go here.

To learn more about Videotel Digital’s Touch-less Interactive products go Here.

To see client installations go Here.

For more product information go to You can also email Lisa Schneider, Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing at or call her at (619) 670-4412‬‬‬ x27. You can follow Videotel on twitter (@Videotel) or Facebook ( For new product updates use #NewatVideotel.

About Videotel Digital:
Videotel Digital is a leading manufacturer of industrial-grade digital signage media players, industrial-grade looping DVD players, touch and touchless interactive digital signage solutions, and directional sound speakers. The marketplace leader services numerous industries, such as retail, healthcare, hospitality, restaurants, trade shows & events, banks, places of worship, museums, corporate facilities, education, government agencies, and others.

Company Information:
Videotel Digital
681 Anita Street Suite #104
Chula Vista, CA 91911

Lisa Schneider
Vice President of Marketing & Sales
(619) 670-4412 Ext #27

Social Media:

For more information, contact Communications Representative Geri D. Wolff, Market Works International, Inc. (561) 660-7919